I have a flyer for this if anyone is interested:
A local project, Move2Health, is looking for exercise physiology students to assist with a project as part of a practicum experience or simply on a volunteer basis. The Move2Health point person, Elizabeth Beasley (copied here), is looking for volunteers to review the “Move” portion of the Move2Health website (http://www. move2healthcentralva.org/). My dietetic interns will be reviewing the “Eat” section, likely using the attached instruction sheet as a guide.
If you know of any people who may be willing to review the Move section, please reach out to Elizabeth. Tiffany Neal (also copied here) is also assisting with this project.
Angie Hasemann, RD, CSP
Weight Management Dietitian, Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Virginia Children’s Hospital
Assistant Director, UVA Health System Dietetic Internship
Address: P.O. Box 800673, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0232
Phone: 434-924-2348
PIC: 2483
E-mail: ajh5j@virginia.edu