Director of Research Projects
Need: Empowerment3 has numerous action-based research projects going on each semester. Dr. Moran needs a motivated individual to coordinate all projects. Ensuring adherence to protocols and appropriate handling of data is important!
Required Hours: Flexible (This is an unpaid internship opportunity, but Dr. Moran is willing to write a recommendation letter for candidates who do an exemplary job) – Great resume builder!
Your help is needed to ensure the following:
- Each protocol is administered properly
- Ensure all data collection tools are available and working
- Work with program staff to ensure accurate data collection and handling of data
- Assist with analysis of data (experience preferred but not necessary).
- Opportunity to take the lead on one selected research project (if desired).
Research Assistants
Need: Dr. Moran needs motivated individuals to assist with accurate data collection and/or analysis. Assistants can select the research project based on interest and/or availability.
Required Hours: Flexible (This is an unpaid internship opportunity, but Dr. Moran is willing to write a recommendation letter for candidates who do an exemplary job) – Great resume builder!
Your help is needed to ensure the following:
- Adherence to research protocol during collection
- Assist with data collection; review data sheets for accuracy and/or completion
- Assist with analysis of data (experience preferred but not necessary).
Available Research Projects
- Quadriciser – Improving Overall Functionality through Movement
- Impact of Physical Activity Programs on Overall Health and Wellness of Individuals with Disabilities
- Bike Project – Protocol in Development
- Barriers to Community Based Physical Activity for Individuals with Disabilities (Survey Research)
- Mentor Research – Protocol to be developed
Quadriciser Research Assistants (Multiple Disabilities Classrooms – Local Elementary, Middle, and High Schools)
Need: Empowerment3 has been given the amazing opportunity to test the impact of the Quadriciser, a passive-active therapy machine on students with multiple disabilities in the schools. The students use the Quadriciser as part of their daily school routine. Our protocol requires us to measure weekly changes in range of motion, specified activities of daily living, and overall academic readiness (ability to lift head to look at the instructor). Assistants will be trained to collect the specified dependent variables. To learn more -
The Quadriciser® is a Robotic Therapy System that gently moves all four limbs to provide a variety of targeted therapies using Continuous Passive Motion. It ...
Availability – At least once a week during school day hours – mornings preferred. Research takes place in the schools so must have a car or ability to get to the school.
Required Hours: Flexible (This is an unpaid internship opportunity, but Dr. Moran is willing to write a recommendation letter for candidates who do an exemplary job) – Great resume builder!
- Serve as a member on Empowerment3’s Board
- Communicate with existing partnerships to identify why they got involved, what they feel their role is within the mission, what support they would need to take the next step to offer programming on their own, etc.
- Identify new potential partnerships
- Work with Dr. Moran and his team to support and resources to any organizations who would like to consider launching new programming as part of the continuum of wellness opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Director of Bike Project Research
Need: Empowerment3/Kinesiology/Engineering have been partnering for eight years to build a human powered vehicle for an individual with a physical disability each year. Here is an example of client number two - Empowerment3 is seeking a motivated individual who is interested in taking the lead on a research project to measure the impact of the bike project on the client and/or on the Engineering students building the bike. IF YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN HOW TO CONDUCT ACTION BASED RESEARCH – THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU! Drs. Moran and Nagel will assist in the development of the research protocol.
One Valley teen, who suffers from cerebral palsy, now has a bike custom made just for him, thanks to some JMU engineering students.
Required Hours: Flexible (This is an unpaid internship opportunity, but Dr. Moran is willing to write a recommendation letter for candidates who do an exemplary job) – Great resume builder!
- Assist in the development of the specific research question
- Identify appropriate instruments based on research question
- Assist in the development of the research protocol and IRB
- Once approved, take a leadership role on the administration of the research
- Assist with data collection, etc.
**Each director has the potential to recruit others to your team to support efforts/ carry out tasks – team members would ultimately report to the director. Director would report to Dr, Moran and the E3 project assistant on a weekly basis via e-mail and/or face to face meeting.