I am a pulmonary/critical care physician serving as the director of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation at the Salem VA Medical Center. We have a highly successful home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program, and we have been funded to develop a similar home-based cardiac rehabilitation program. The programs are administered by an exercise physiologist. Although called “home-based,” the providers do not go to the patient’s home. Sessions are conducted initially in-person, and subsequently by phone and video. The physiologist can perform some work from their home. We have hired graduates from the health and human performance/exercise science programs at Roanoke College and at VCU for the pulmonary rehab program, who are presently highly fulfilled in their roles. There are clinical research opportunities. Compensation is in the approximate range of $60-85,000/yr plus excellent VA benefits. The job is currently posted at usajobs.com through 12/15/22 if you have any graduates who are interested in this exceptional opportunity.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to have applicants contact me for additional information.Thank you,MitchellMitchell Horowitz, MD, PhDPulmonary and Critical Care MedicineSalem VAMC(540) 983-1005(540) 632-3862