Dr. Darian Parker is an Exercise Science program alum. He wrote this message about the internship expeirence he has created:
I hope this email finds you well. I contacted you a few years back about getting the word out about WTS International as a job option for JMU Students. I have had some nice conversations via LinkedIn with former and current JMU students about the opportunities we have. I recently created a summer "Immersion" internship program for those seeking a career in the private luxury fitness environment. This will be the first summer we are conducting this program at my Club here in Vegas. I am happy to announce that we have our first college student coming out to be a part of what I believe is a very unique experience. Here is the outline below of the program:
Phase 1 (2 Weeks) Consumer Phase:
- The Intern will act as a consumer of the services provided at Club Ridges in order to get an understanding of the services offered at the club. The intern will evaluate and log their experiences in their intern journal. Services to take part in will be our group exercise classes, personal training, stretch therapy, tennis and aquatics lessons. The GM of the club, Dr. Darian Parker, will create the schedule of services for the intern for the two weeks.
Phase 2 (1 Week) Shop Phase
-In order to learn how to different clubs work and how to evaluate the process of learning outside of your home internship environment, the intern will be given a list of places to shop (evaluate what is being offered) in town. This will include 10 fitness/recreation facilities and 10 spa facilities in Las Vegas. The intern will provide a written evaluation of each shop they conduct in their intern journal.
Phase 3 (2 Weeks) Facility Operations
-The intern will learn the daily operations of each department from the lens of the employee. This will include policies and procedures for:
*Front Desk
*Personal Training
*Group Exercise
*Stretch Therapy
Phase 4 (2 Weeks) Resident and Staff Interviews
-The intern will interview residents who do services and who don't use services at the club. The intern will interview staff members about their time at the club. This will help the intern understand why consumers purchase services and why they don't. Additionally, interviewing the staff will allow the intern the opportunity to understand the staff culture and why people work in these environments. The GM of the club will help develop the questions for these interviews. Interviews will be logged in the intern's journal.
Phase 5 (1 Week) Project
-The intern will present their experiences through a power point presentation aimed at understanding the scope of their experiences in a private luxury fitness club environment. The intern will create the presentation the first few days of the week and then present it the last three days of the week.
If you would like to post this to your blog then feel free. Thanks for your time Jana and have a great day!
Dr. Darian Parker

Darian Parker, Ph.D, NSCA-CPT
General Manager/Regional Account Director
Club Ridges/WTS International
11550 Granite Ridge Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89135
work: 702-579-2582
cell: 785-840-8668
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